Eclectic original from Cult accordion ensembles, string quartets & Jazz-ska to alt-country, nu-folk, roots & rockabilly.

Want to play a gig at the Wheaty? Email us at:

PS: no cover bands or ultra-loud combos please

OAKEY (2D) ish

Known for her large sculptures and installations, "2D (ish)" offers the chance to see a collection of new sculptural wall works by OAKEY. Exploring geometry and organic textures with different forms and materials, this exhibition brings together big ideas on a small scale. 
To see a large-scale sculpture of OAKEY's during SALA head to "PLEXUS @ Queens Theatre" and "PLEXUS @ Carrick Hill" in the SALA guide. OAKEY is also in the group show "Memory Palace 5000" at Adelaide City Library.
Thursday 4 July
6.00 PM
Monday 5 August
OAKEY (2D) ish