Moo Pale 5-Ways

Posted: 14/09/12

Kegs Tapped from 6pm Wed 19th September – one night only!

The Moo crew have been playing with their Hops – and we’re set to taste the fruits of their labour/be subjected to their experiments in a once-off release.

This is Owen ‘OJ’ Johnston’s take on the whole endeavour:

“This series of kegs has been brewed using our Pale Ale recipe, without the Tasmanian Cascade dry hop in the maturation vessel. Instead, each keg has had an addition of hop pellets directly into it. Moo Brew Pale Ale 5-ways is intended to show how significant a late hop addition can be to the final beer. Hopefully it works.

Here is what we did:

100g of five different hops were added directly to five separate kegs. The kegs are then flushed with CO2, pressurised and filled with flat beer. The kegs were then force carbonated.

It appears that the kegs will be on tap about 3 weeks after filling. This should be enough for the flavour and aroma of the addition to make a difference...

So what hops have we used?

Cascade (USA, 2011)

Cascade (TAS, 2012)

Centennial (USA, 2011)

Summer (TAS, 2012)

Simcoe (USA, 2011)

These are all hops we use in other applications, but never get an opportunity to ‘play’ with during our routine brewing. The highest profile comparison will be the Cascade head-to-head. The Centennial always smells stunning right after it is added to the boil in our Pale Ale, so we’ll see if it stacks up when used this way. The Summer gave some great flavour in our Harvest ale in 2011, and could potentially be a great fit with the malt bill. Simcoe is a counter point to the floral and citrus credentials of the others. It should bring a real point of difference.”

But don't take OJ's word for it, come check it out for yourselves...